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“Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) looks after social, societal, environmental, and economic impacts of our activity. Concretely, it is the company contribution to the stakes of sustainable development.

Today, CSR has become a mainstay of Chabé’s strategy, and we are committed to be a responsible actor of our industry.

It is a deep transformation of our activity that needs, to succeed, to involve all parties, starting from us, employees of Chabé, and that should reflect in everything we do, from the largest actions to the smallest details.

To move forward in this direction, voluntarily and ambitiously, when our industry is rather perceived as a stopper, will give us a competitive edge, and will differentiate us from those who wait. We can even hope to have a positive ripple effect on those who have not yet taken steps and thus become a reference in our industry.

Our commitment goes beyond operating low and soon zero emission vehicles. It includes changing the way we operate and adopting best practices to reduce our overall footprint.
It also is about treating employees well, with sustainable and fairly paid jobs and ensuring clients’ safety and overall satisfaction.

Because a company cannot simply grow without considering the consequences of its acts in the society, it must reinvent itself. The CSR approach leads Chabé to question itself about its activities, its acts, and aims at developing a progressive strategy for its associates, its suppliers, and the environment of the society that surrounds it.

I believe CSR in not a constraint, but rather an opportunity.”

Guillaume Connan, President.

Our CSR strategy

We firmly believe combining transportation experiences with sustainable values is not an option but a necessity all our stakeholders, from passengers to our community, will benefit from.

In 2019, Chabé adopted a voluntary and ambitious approach to CSR. An audit was carried out by a group of specialized experts, and strategic priorities and a measurable CSR action plan was adopted for the years to come.

We have decided to focus our strategy around 3 key pillars:

The protection of the environment

Customer satisfaction

Sustainable and fairly paid jobs

The protection of the environment

Fleet transition


To reduce our carbon footprint is a society stake. Chabé is conscious that the biggest positive impact on the environment can be achieved with the transition of its fleet of vehicles to less polluting models as they become available on the market.

Across the Group, the average age of the fleet is 18 months. All the vehicles are equipped with the “Start&Go” system and meet the requirements of the EURO 6 standards. We have already integrated hybrid – Range Rover, BMW, Mercedes S-class- and fully electric – service cars from Renault, Tesla, and Mercedes EQV – vehicles.

As new low-emission technologies become available, we systematically test them and favor them over a more polluting alternative.

While this transition has already started – 60% of our current fleet is low-carbon – all vehicle types are not yet available on the market to fully replace our fleet with ZEC vehicles.

Carbon offsetting


Aware of the necessity to act as of now, Chabé has decided to offset all the carbon emission linked to its transportation services while waiting for the transition to be completed. We have started to collect the data in October 2020, thanks to our fleet management tool: Masternaut.

A partnership was signed early 2021 with the GoodPlanet Foundation – a recognised public interest foundation aiming to encourage people to take concrete action for the Earth and its inhabitants – to offset our emissions.

Discover the article dedicated to the partnership with the GoodPlanet Foundation

Responsible customer service

Our goal is to provide our customers with an exceptional experience while keeping our emissions to a minimum.

This means we give preference to products with the lowest environmental impact such as the newest carbon neutral Evian bottle of water we have adopted.

We also ensure we favor digital over printed. For example, the ordering process – from the creation of an order to the transmission of data to the chauffeurs- is completely digitized and paper free (order forms are sent to the chauffeurs on their smartphone). The same is true for the training materials, which can be consulted on the smartphone.

Last but not least, all our chauffeurs are trained in eco-driving. This has a large impact on both safety and reducing emissions.

Waste Management

Poorly managed wastes can have a devastating impact on the environment and although Chabé produces little wastes, we invested in a thorough audit of our waste management to better perform wherever possible.

As such we have implemented selective sorting, thoroughly trained employees in best practices of waste management and paid extra attention to the labelling of dangerous goods.

We have also implemented recycling of our consumables wherever possible (ink cartridges, washing water, water bottles etc.)

Client satisfaction

The quality of our services is an absolute priority. Not only does it guarantee the security and safety of our passengers and chauffeurs, but it also consolidates the loyalty of our customers and therefore conditions the future of the group.

As part of our continuous efforts for improvement, we have implemented a 24/7 multilingual customer service, developed a stringent procedure to manage passengers’ and clients’ complaints and are regularly seeking the satisfaction of our clients through satisfaction surveys.

Chabé RSE transport responsable environnement


Long term Employment

Chabé is the first employer of chauffeurs in Europe. We always aim to offer permanent contracts to all our full-time chauffeurs, which accounts for 84% of our employees. Chauffeurs are paid fairly and well above the legal minimum wage in all the cities where we operate. We also offer all vacancies internally in the first instance.

We also pay attention to the CSR commitment of the chauffeur operators we work with when subcontracting, especially internationally.


Training is an essential part of our policy as a responsible employer. It allows us to increase the skills and employability of our workforce while ensuring that our services retain the highest standard.

Training is organised to encourage employees to continue to progress in their careers and to develop and update their skills.

Diversity and inclusion

Our Diversity and Inclusion policy demonstrates our commitment to welcoming, recognising and promoting all talents to enable their development within the group. To achieve this, we have created a caring environment by taking an inclusive and non-heteronormative approach, free from harassment and discrimination.

We have decided to reinforce our commitment by drawing up a Diversity and Inclusion Charter which details the 5 pillars of our ambition:

  1. Cultural Diversity
  2. Gender Diversity
  3. Inclusion of employees with disabilities
  4. Combating discrimination related to sexual orientation (LGBT+)
  5. Intergenerational Diversity

Health & Safety

Ensuring the health and safety of our passengers and employees is essential for Chabé. This includes raising awareness internally. Consequently, this year, in partnership with our insurer, we have introduced a prevention newsletter focusing on best practices. All our employees, including administrative staff, receive this e-mail every month.

In addition, short training workshops are organised on topics such as stress management, ergonomics or physical activities.

Next steps

We believe that CSR is more than a policy, it is a philosophy that needs to sink into every employee’s behavior. Since that the approach has been defined and initiated, we continue to focus on different projects with the aim to be a role model and pioneer in our industry.

We also aim to obtain a widely recognized certification to confirm our approach and reinforce our commitment.


Download the CSR report
